CUTIE is the first balance bike for your child. This cute tricycle without pedals will develop your toddler's sense of balance and coordination, and your child will have a lot of fun riding it. CUTIE can be a mini-bike or a push-toy for younger children.
Intended for: Children from 1 year of age up to a weight of 25 kg.
Motor skills and riding lessons. This bike will make your child naturally develop a sense of balance and motor skills, such as motor coordination, mobility and agility. The toddler on this bike will learn to avoid obstacles and turn. Before that, the CUTIE can also serve as a push-toy-ride-on toy for your child, which will improve learning to walk.
Frame. The frame is made of steel. It is durable and resistant to damage; it can withstand a toddler's vigorous ride without any problems.
Lightness. The CUTIE balance bike weighs only 1.8 kg! You can take it with you anywhere or easily carry it while taking a walk when your toddler gets tired of riding it.
Seat. The height of the seat can be adjusted with an Allen key (26-28 cm) and adapted to the growing toddler. The seat is made of a soft material, it will provide your child with comfort and protection against chafing.
Handlebar. The handlebar has non-slip handles made of TPR rubber, which will provide your child with a firm and secure grip. The handlebar lock function will prevent falling down as a result of a sudden manoeuvre - riding the CUTIE is always safe.
Tyres. Tyres filled with EVA foam are light and resistant to damage. The rear wheel has bearings, which guarantees a smooth and pleasant ride. They will not damage the floor, either, so we can surely use the bike at home.
Design. The CUTIE balance bike is simply charming - modern design, eye-pleasing colours and an unusual print with a cat will delight both young and older.
Main advantages
- Adjustable saddle
- From 1 year of age
- Rubber handles
- Teaches how to maintain balance
Mini tricycle and ride-on for learning & fun
- Here's CUTIE - your child's first ride-on, which at the beginning of an adventure will serve as a push toy. Thanks to the ride-on design, the little one develops a sense of balance while playing, and becomes familiar with the concept of riding tricycles and balance bikes. CUTIE is lightweight, so your child can take it everywhere. Additionally, it has an adjustable seat allowing the adjustment of the mini bike to your little one’s height. CUTIE is designed with children in mind - the rounded frame without protruding parts is durable and perfect for learning to ride, and the beautiful, pastel colors and unique design will quickly catch the eye of any child.
- A huge advantage of CUTIE is its wheels: the light, foam wheels are puncture-resistant and do not require inflating, and additionally they don't scratch the floor. Your child can practice riding even at home. The limited handlebar turning will teach your little one to control the bike and prepare them for riding a balance bike. CUTIE will quickly become an inseparable companion of your outdoor walks.